We activate your intangible assets with expertise and trust


Intanify was founded in 2022 centred on the observation that 80-100% of a company’s most important assets are not recognised or recorded. What is not measured is not managed and the evidence shows there is massive under-exploitation of intangible assets. We have been awarded multiple Innovate UK grants and have won the backing of sophisticated investors to build a platform to correct this misalignment. 
Our growing team is based in our London HQ.

Our mission

Intanify exists to create technologies to help organisations to clarify their intangible assets, in order to help them better value, manage, protect these assets and empower their long-term growth.

Our vision

Our vision is to be the recognised standard to define the intangible economy. All companies have their fixed assets on their balance sheet and can speak to their bankers and others in the same language. We will enable the same for intangible assets.  

Join us

Get in touch with us if you are motivated to join our mission.


of modern company value is in intangible assets


annual investments in intangible assets in the US & Europe alone


About Intanify






136 High Holborn, London WC1V 6PX


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"Intanify" and the logomark are trademarks of Intanify Limited.
